Simple Kitchari

Life can be CRAZY!

I am leading this season's cohort of Digestive Reset participants through the Kitchari Phase of the program right now. We are on day three of Kitchari and I feel so much better than I did when we began.

I had been, shall we say, overindulging??

Kevin and I went to the Sandwich Fair a few weekends ago, a small-town fair where I grew up in NH, and we ate all sorts of things that we do not normally eat.

I’m talking Funnel Cake, Sausage Bombs, and Maple Cotton Candy!!

It was soooooooo good, but it also opened up the door to other indulgences that I never eat (Milano Cookies, anyone??) I found myself snacking in between meals and drinking more black tea than any sane person should.

As the time for the Reset grew closer, I was called to investigate the why behind all those indulgences. Why was I eating so much sugar and drinking so much tea?

Because life is crazy. Yup. It’s not a cop out, but hold on, let me make that statement more accurate: I let life make me feel crazy.

I let too much in, too much social media, too much information, too much everything!!

Has this happened to you too?

Normally I try to protect myself from a lot of external influences because I know that most of them aren’t based in the same reality I am trying to create for myself. Then I get overwhelmed, then I try to self-soothe, then I am eating a bag of Milano cookies. Yikes!

I definitely needed to press pause and take some time away from all of that. The Reset is good for that, but I know that not everyone has the time or desire to do a full 9 day program.

But perhaps you could commit to a day or two of eating only kitchari, taking a (social) media break, and reconnecting to that which you know makes you feel better.

It’s amazing how simplifying things can help.

Do you need a kitchari reset? Scroll down for the recipe and enjoy!

Let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Simple Kitchari

Serves 6-8

1 c yellow split mung beans (dal) (Soaked overnight, or for at least a few hours, and rinsed well)

1 c white basmati rice (Rinsed well)

3-4 tbsp sesame oil

¼ tsp hing (aka: asafoetida)

1 ½ tsp fennel seeds

1.5 tsp cumin seeds

1 tsp coriander seeds

1 tsp black mustard seed

1 ½ tbsp turmeric powder

½ -1 tsp black pepper

1 medium sweet (vidalia) or yellow onion chopped

2-3 fresh curry leaves if you have them (Indian Markets usually have these near the register or in the refrigerator)

1 tsp salt, and to taste

½-1 inch thumb of fresh ginger (Can omit if it causes acid tummy)

2 medium carrots chopped

6 c water

Lime wedges

Cilantro for garnish unless you are one of those people

Pick through your beans to make sure there are no small stones masquerading as mung dal. Soak the beans for as long as you have. Soaking makes them easier to digest. In a pinch you can just soak them for as long as it takes you to do everything up until you add them to the pot. Rinse your rice well. I like to put it in a big fine mesh strainer and rinse that way, but everyone has their own method.

Crush the fennel, cumin, and coriander seeds in a mortar and pestle. Don’t have one?? You could grind them in a coffee grinder you have specifically for that purpose. You can also put the seeds into a plastic bag and go at it with something hard and sturdy. Paperweights can be useful for this purpose, so can rolling pins. (But, really get a mortar and pestle, it’s worth it. Make sure it’s stone, I have found the porcelain ones are challenging for seed grinding.) Don’t grind the mustard seeds. You could use pre-ground spices (and I have totally done this as a last resort), but the finished product will not be the same.

Heat the sesame oil over medium heat until it starts to shimmer, then add your hing, fennel, cumin, coriander, and mustard seeds and stir. Allow them to cook until they become fragrant and the mustard seeds begin to pop a little. Then add the turmeric, black pepper, cinnamon, and red chili powders and stir to combine. There should be enough oil that this mixture does not turn into a lumpy dry paste. Add more sesame oil to the pot if it seems necessary.. Cook for 1-2 minutes and then add the onion, ginger, curry leaves, and salt. Saute until onions become translucent and the ginger and curry leaves fragrant. The curry leaves will pop, this is normal To this mixture add the cut carrots and stir to combine.

Now add the rinsed rice and sauté until the rice starts to become a little translucent and begins to take on the colour of the dish, 1-2 minutes. Then add your soaked and rinsed mung dal and stir to combine. To this, add 6 cups of water. If you want to save time and have an electric kettle (trust me, if you have the space you should have an electric kettle), you can add boiling water. Stir to combine and taste for salt. Add more if necessary. Bring to a boil uncovered. Once boiling well, reduce to a simmer, cover, and LEAVE IT ALONE for 20-25 minutes. Don’t lift the lid until at least 20 minutes are up. If at 20 minutes you lift the lid and there is a lot of liquid still simmering, you can replace the lid and let it go for another 5 minutes, checking in at the 2-3 minute mark depending on your liquid level. Once the water has been mostly absorbed (about 80-90%) turn off the heat, leave covered and let set for 5 minutes. DO NOT STIR!! Stirring will lead to wallpaper paste consistency and sad eaters.

To serve, scoop into your favourite bowl and sprinkle with as much or as little cilantro as your heart desires. Squeeze a little lime juice into your kitchari, it’s lovely! I like to enjoy this with a nice crusty piece of warm bread slathered in ghee and sprinkled with salt.


Follow most of the above, using the sauté function on your pot. I find that I often have to toggle between the lowest and medium settings as I sauté, as one is a little too hot and the other a little too not. It is totally legal to do this. Reduce the water to 4 cups or so, depending on how soupy you would like your kitchari, (still make sure to taste for salt) and cook on High Pressure for 3 minutes with a 10 minute Natural Pressure Release. Remember, do not stir the final product lest you end up with glop.


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