Use Warming Spices
Did you know that some herbs and spices are warming and some are cooling??
It’s true. sometimes it is super obvious like spicy chili pepper and cooling cilantro, but sometimes we have to do a little more investigation.
the flavours of spices and herbs can tell us a lot, but we also need to be aware of something in Ayurveda called the post-digestive effect.
The post-digestive effect is how a substance works in the body after we digest it. This effect is either heating - boosting agni (our digestive fire) and potentially making us feel warmer, or cooling - regulating our agni and potentially making us feel colder.
At this time of year, we want to favour warming spices in our diets.
Some of the most common warming herbs are:
Cinnamon, Ginger, Black Pepper, Turmeric, Nutmeg, Oregano, Thyme, Star Anise, Black Mustard Seed, Cumin, Paprika, Marjoram, Ajwain, Hing (Asafoetida), Garlic, Curry Leaf, Parsley, Dill, Basil, Black Cardamom, and Rosemary.
Balance is our goal, however, so being careful to use a variety of warming and cooling herbs helps us to maintain our own homeostasis.
Cooling herbs include:
Coriander, Fennel, Licorice, Cilantro, Green Cardamom, Clove, Sage, and Spearmint.
You might notice that there are many more warming spices and herbs than cooling ones. This hints at how important stoking the agni is. The cooling herbs serve to balance out the heat, so we don’t overdo the heating effect.
Some folks will need more heating or more cooling due to their constitutions/imbalances. I invite you to experiment and see which herbs and spices work well for you. Be curious and develop your own blends, mixing a little and matching a little until you discover what works. Keep in mind that your needs will change as the seasons shift, so be ready to adapt your repertoire as you go through the cycles of the year..
If you are curious to learn more about what foods and spices would be best for you, book a consultation with me and dig deeper! Consultations are a 1 ½-2 hour session where we dive deep into your habits and patterns. This allows me to help you discover what works for you and what does not. Go here to schedule your appointment today!